About The T1D Fund, A Breakthrough T1D Venture

Driving Cures For Type 1 Diabetes: High Impact Investing In Mission Driven Companies

Why We Founded The T1D Fund

A Venture Philanthropy Fund Positioned To Cure Type 1 Diabetes

In 2015, a group of Breakthrough T1D (Formerly JDRF) volunteers observed that there was virtually no private investment in T1D which created a significant gap between scientific advancements and delivery of solutions to those living with or at risk of developing T1D.

Our bold solution was to launch the T1D Fund—a venture philanthropy fund to create a market in T1D by using our strategic equity investments and disease expertise to convince venture capital, biotech, and pharma to align with our mission of curing T1D.

The venture philanthropy model allows us to accelerate life-changing solutions to cure, prevent, and treat T1D.






The T1D Fund

A Mission-Oriented Venture Philanthropy Fund

Launched in December 2016, the T1D Fund was established to catalyze efforts and shine a light on unmet needs within the T1D space. We have and continue to reinvest any realized gains into new investments to show our conviction in our mission of curing T1D.

We are now one of the largest disease-focused venture philanthropy funds in the world, with $200M+ in assets. Our expertise and leadership influences philanthropies, pharma, and other venture capital to invest billions of dollars alongside us to generate cure-oriented therapies.




The Relationship Between Breakthrough T1D (Formerly JDRF) & The T1D Fund

The T1D Fund is uniquely positioned to transform the therapeutic landscape of T1D through our investment approach.

The T1D Fund is a wholly owned, independently governed, not-for-profit subsidiary of Breakthrough T1D. This enables us to utilize the expansive network that the foundation has across all areas of treatment, from early-stage research to government advocacy. By acquiring capital through the T1D Fund’s investment, our portfolio companies can tap into the expertise across Breakthrough T1D to optimize for success.

Although separate entities with different approaches to opportunities, the T1D Fund and the foundation share the same strong mission of supporting innovation to accelerate development toward cures. Through this relationship, the T1D Fund is able to invest in the most-promising opportunities while continuing to provide support to its portfolio across the development life cycle.